i do mentioned this a lots, but i really really really miss my AMSA friends so damn much. T~T
it's not that i dont like being with my bestfriends here in Palembang, i love them all. really. i just miss my AMSA friends. and opened up the notes they wrote when we was in Thai makes me miss them more. :(
i miss being with my AMSA international friends,, i miss the moments, i miss the way we laugh at a not-so-funny joke, at a super silly thing we did or see. i miss our games time, play some stupid games that ranked from a-bit-stupid, stupid, so-stupid, super-stupid, silly, or a drinking game that ended up with you all drunk and dancing like crazy and i was aside laughing at u all coz i was one of some that just drinking mineral water or cola or a cola-berry-orange-mixed together that taste super weird. -___-
*im smilling now just for remembering our memoris*
ah, and not to mention our super narcissistic time. no place left without at least a group pic that would coz a chaos. haha. u guys has made every conferences different and had it's own FUN.
i amazed by your all caring and understanding to us, a moeslem, that we need time to pray, that we cant eat non halal food, and that we cant drink any kind of alcohol. u guys makes me believe that in friendship, religion doesnt really matter. :)
and thanks for calling me korean freak. haha
Aku juga kangen anak2 AMSA Indonesia. kangen masa2 kita masih "muda" dan pergi ke acara AMSA Ina manapun. siang2 gaya2 pake almamater, rapat, malem2 cao ke karoke, jalan2, foto2, makan2 kayak kalong. tiap saat pasti foto, ada waktu kosong dikit foto, kalo ga main games bodoh, ato ga gosip panjang lebar sampe tolol, pokoknya ga ada waktu terbuang sia-sia. :p
Masa2 jadi bagian dari AMSA Indonesia executive board. kerjanya OLM mulu, kalo ada acara nasional kerjanya rapat rapat dan rapat. pas rapat muka serius semua, ampe subuh deh. tapi abis rapat ditutup, jengjeng, kembali ke mode "anak cacat", menggila, ketawa2, ngerumpi.
Biarpun sebagian kalian (oh well) suka banget nge-bully aku, ya ya ya, aku lucu. oke. ga ada satu acara nasional pun yang aku nyesel datengin.
i hope we can meet again someday near future.
if any of u visit Palembang, or Indonesia (for my International friends) dont forget to call me or text me first, i'll try my best to be ur amazing-pretty-fabulous-free-tour guide :D