Saturday, August 22, 2009

AMSC part 4, LPJ

H1N1 outbreak

This report was not complete without the report of H1N1 outbreak during the conference. You all can see that some of the people on the photo above were using mask to cover their mouth and nose. That was because of we got 60 cases of H1N1 in the conference. The disease was firstly detected from Hong Kong delegates in the 3rd day. To avoid spreading of the virus, the committee isolated the suspect people in hotel and brought them to the nearest hospital to chech wheter they got H1N1 positive or not because some of them just got bacterial infection. They were 4 Indonesian delegates that got isolated, but none of them confirm positive H1N1. Luckily, Unsri’s delegates were remaining healthy until the end of the conference maybe because of we ate Tamiflu as the prevention from 3 days before went to Taiwan until 3 days after went back to Indonesia.

All the Taiwan media (TVs, radios, and newspapers) were search for our news and show it all over the country. They followed us everywhere, in hotel, train station, bus station, places that we visited. It was really annoying situation. Also, the hotel was forbid us to go down to the lobby with our mask, because they said that it made their other customers scared. And all of the people that saw us in the street, walking with our mask were saw us with fear in their faces and trying to avoid us.

Because of these unprepared events, we all learn about stigmatized deeply. We all now know how it feels to be stigmatized. How it feels to get discrimination from our social life. How it feels to be isolated from our normal life. Therefore, we all promise to treat our stigmatized patient with love and lots of empathy. And we will treat stigmatized patients like what we want to be treated if we are them. And do something to fight against stigmatized illness in our own countries.

diatas itu sedikit isi LPJ (Laporan pertanggungjawaban) AMSC 2009 yg aku buat..hoho..
agak aneh ya? maklum ga bakat nulis..

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