tapi at least i want them to know that our friendship means a lot to me. and i want to let them feel my joyous moment too.
trus abis di invite di FB, beberapa pada komen dan bahkan kirim private message. sampe terharu. sampe ada temen yang bilang "pokoknya gw akan gangguin LINE lo sebelum lo akad nikahmbeneran deh!" padahal orangnya lagi internship di NTB, hihi. im so blessed.
terus tadi, baru pulang langsung buka FB, dan dapet message gini, dari anak singapur fave aku, alicia.
Hi ICHA! I AM SO EXCITED FOR YOU!im so touched. knowing that i am loved, is a really touching moment for me. padahal apalah coba yang aku lakuin sebagai GM dulu, biasa aja kayaknya, ga ada yang spesial, cuma selalu berusaha menjamu tamu dengan sebaik mungkin, as what my previous GM done for me. beneran terharu. aaaa~ how i miss AMSA~
you were my GM for my VERY FIRST AMSA conference, and you have no idea how much that conference has changed me, and has inspired me to become a better person and contribute to the AMSA community <3 br="">I'm sorry that I haven't really kept in touch with you in the past 2 years, but I just want to say a big THANK YOU for being such an awesome awesome person, and I sincerely miss you and your laughter.
Congratulations on your marriage (HOW COOL IS THAT!) and I wish you eternal bliss Blessings,
I'm so sorry I won't be able to attend your wedding as it is during my school term but I really wish you all the happiness forever and ever (:
anw, seneng rasanya tau kalo hari gembira aku juga menggembirakan orang lain. aaa~ im so blessed.
Maka nikmat Tuhan mana yang kau dustakan?
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