Thursday, December 30, 2010
foto kelas session 2
camera~rolling~ action!
suatu hari, disebuah taman dinegara antah berantah,saat blueberry sdh mengalahkan blackberry dan hampir semua orang terkena racunnya hingga tak bisa memalingkan mata dari handphone mereka, hiduplah 8 orang, ya hanya 8 orang, yang tidak terkena virus ini.
kedelapan orang ini sangat dibvenci direktur utama PT blueberry company yg bernama BANITA. Banita sangat kesal dan selalu memantau dr jendela diujung taman, setelah lama memantau inilah kesimpulan banita!
1. seorang laki2 benama DEPRI' bisa resisten virus karena kecintaannya pada dirinya sendiri, pada wajahnya yg dia anggap sangat GANTENG padahal aselinya GENTENG.
banita pun bertindak! dibuatnya BLUR muka si depri' dan VOILA, virus menjangkit depri'.
2. AY-YU. wanita ini merasa pantatnya paling seksi, lihat saja, tidak ada fotografer yg bisa mendapatkan foto mukanya, semua bagian pantat. lalu Banita dengan kekuatan supernya, mengadu pntat AY-YU dengan raja pantat yg terpantat, ABUY. Setelah 3x ronde tinju yg pelik, abuy menang, ay-yu yg depresi pun menurun imun sistemnya dan terjangkit!
3. AANG-GA. keturunan ke 1000 dr avatar the legend of AANG ini sangat COOL, Banita bingung dibuatnya, semua hal telah dicoba, AANG-GA tak jua terkalahkan! tapi banita tak kehabisan akal! dikerahkannya semua hal sekaligus, panas matahari level UP, jerawat level UP, skripsi tension level UP, sampe AANG-ga keringetan, stress, dan akhirnya mengibarkan bendera putih.
4. Sepasang sejoli bernama MAAAD dan ABUY.Tadinya, banita membantai mereka satu persatu, tapi selalu dan selalu gagal. terlebih dengan perisai kentut abuy yg sakti mandraguna. banita bersemedi. lamaaaaaaa.. dan akhirnya mendapatkan wangsit! dimintanya cupid untuk memanah hati mereka. Ya,semua orang lemah saat jatruh cinta kan? dan kalahlah mereka.
5. orang ke 6 adalah ke-mANIESan. dy adalah peramal dan penyihir paling handal abad ini, tak ada yg bisa mengalahkan mama ke-mANIESan! tak ada, kecuali beberapa orang, RAIN, LEE JOON and ONEW. setelah tau titik lemah mbah anis dr seorang stalker terpercaya, banita pun mengirimkan foto 3 org itu beserta racun, dan kalahlah si mama.
6. 2 orang terakhir ini adalah si BEAUTY ICHA and the BEAST ratrot. segala cara dr a sampe z, dr 1 sampe 1000 telah dilakukan banita. nihil. eopseo. nothing. gagal. failed! sampe jerawatan banita bersemedi, mengurung dirinya, membiarkan naga diperutnya kelaparan, tetap saja, dia tidak menemukan cara melawan mereka berdua. Banita memperhatikan foto ini, mereka terlihat sedang mengobrol, tidak, mungkin mereka malah sedang membicarakan sesuatu yang lain, yang lebih hot, lebih serius, lebih meNANTANG. Untuk menemukan titik lemah mereka, banita memutuskan untuk menyamar dan menjadikan mereka teman, untuk kemudian menerkan mereka dr belakang. tak dinyana, ternyata mereka sedang bergosip! banita ikut, terlibat, terlarut dan akhirnya dengan ikhlas berteman dengan mereka.
ya, BANITA telah dikalahkan oleh rasa pertemanan, dia berubah, hatinya yang dulu jahat dan hanya ingin menguasai dunia telah berubah,, semua karena teman. negri antah berantah pun damai dan tentram selamanya.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
am I an ADULT now? are YOU? are WE?
so here is the reviews.
American Heritage Dictionary:Adult is ....
One who has attained maturity or legal age.
Biology. A fully grown, mature organism.
Fully developed and mature.
Relating to, intended for, or befitting adults: adult education.
Containing or dealing in explicitly sexual material; pornographic: adult movies; adult bookstores.
An adult is a human being or living organism that is of relatively mature age, typically associated with sexual maturity and the attainment of reproductive age. In human context, the term has other subordinate meanings associated to social and legal concepts, for example a legal adult is a legal concept for a person who has attained the age of majority and is therefore regarded as independent, self-sufficient, and responsible (contrast with "minor"). Adulthood can be defined in terms of physiology, psychological adult development, law, personal character, or social status.
There are now two primary forms of adults: biological adults (people who have attained reproductive ability, are fertile, or who evidence secondary sex characteristics) and social adults (people who are recognized by their culture and/or law as being adults).
Being an adult also mean that you have your own legal on the view of laws. The legal definition of entering adulthood usually varies between ages 15–21, depending on the region in question. In Indonesia, a man considered as an adult at the age of 18. The age at which a person is considered an adult varies significantly in the different countries of the world.
According to WHO, adult is someone who passed thru adolescence periods which is young people between the ages of 10 and 19 years.
Im 20 going on 21 yo now(just for less than 2 months), so according to Indonesian Laws, WHO's definition of adult, im an ADULT. LOL
We cant forget about whatb is adult based on psycological point of view, i know some other will think about this frst when they heard the word adult. so what is it actually??
Every single of us will always be in term of psychological development, also known as human development, that is scientific study of systematic psychological changes that occur in human beings over the course of their life span.
This field examines change across a broad range of topics including motor skills and other psycho-physiological processes; cognitive development involving areas such as problem solving, moral understanding, and conceptual understanding; language acquisition; social, personality, and emotional development; and self-concept and identity formation.
Stages of development : Pre-natal development, Infancy, Babyhood, Early childhood, Late Childhood, Adolescence, Early adulthood, Middle age, and Old age.
here, i will only discuss abt adolescence and early adulthood, coz this is the main point of my SO-HARD-TO-ANSWER-QUESTION.
Adolescence is the period of life between the onset of puberty and the full commitment to an adult social role, such as worker, parent, and/or citizen. It is the period known for the formation of personal and social identity (see Erik Erikson) and the discovery of moral purpose (see William Damon). Intelligence is demonstrated through the logical use of symbols related to abstract concepts and formal reasoning. A return to egocentric thought often occurs early in the period.
It is divided into two parts namely:
1. Early Adolescence: 13 to 16 years and
2. Late Adolescence: 16 to 19 years
The adolescent unconsciously explores questions such as "Who am I? Who do I want to be?" Like toddlers, adolescents must explore, test limits, become autonomous, and commit to an identity, or sense of self. Different roles, behaviors and ideologies must be tried out to select an identity. Role confusion and inability to choose vocation can result from a failure to achieve a sense of identity.
Early adulthood
In early adulthood, an individual is concerned with developing the ability to share intimacy, seeking to form relationships and find intimate love. .The person must learn how to form intimate relationships, both in friendship and love. The development of this skill relies on the resolution of other stages. --> emphasize on the words BOTH please :)
Erik Erikson's theory:
early adulthood is on a time of intimacy vs. isolation. One either gets involved in an intimate relationship or isolates oneself. It may be hard to establish intimacy if one has not developed trust or a sense of identity. If this skill is not learned the alternative is alienation, isolation, a fear of commitment, and the inability to depend on others. --> intimacy with both your lover, your family and your friends. that's what the GOAL is.
Those who have achieved intimacy are thought to host a range of positive attributes, such as confidence and acceptance. Alternatively, those in isolation are more likely to fear loneliness and abandonment. Intimacy requires an individual to sacrifice some of his independence for another person. After successfully traversing the struggle of isolation and intimacy, an individual will deal with generativity, which is the desire to improve society for future generations.
IN term of cognitive growth, it means changes in thinking, typically described as being increasingly efficient, creative, or complex; in adulthood, growth may be promoted by major life events (such as entry into a new career or the birth of a child) or by brain growth (such as the development of the frontal lobe) or, perhaps, by interaction of nature and nurture . --> so yeah, 1 life events can truly change someone's way of thingking
rrrr,,,based on the psychological definition, i think im in this periods already, what? u think i dont? screw u! kkkk
saw few good QUOTES about it, check it out :)
"We have not passed that subtle line between childhood and adulthood until we move from the passive voice to the active voice -- that is, until we have stopped saying It got lost, and say, I lost it." - Sidney J. Harris
"A boy becomes an adult three years before his parents think he does, and about two years after he thinks he does." - Lewis B Hershey
"In my case, adulthood itself was not an advance, although it was a useful waymark." - Nicholson Baker
"The distinction between children and adults, while probably useful for some purposes, is at bottom a specious one, I feel. There are only individual egos, crazy for love." - Don Barthelme
anyway, i found another interesting term,ADULTISM.
Adultism is a predisposition towards adults, defined as "behaviors and attitudes based on the assumptions that adults are better than young people, and entitled to act upon young people without agreement". It is also seen as, "an addiction to the attitudes, ideas, beliefs, and actions of adults."
so make sure u're an adult but you're not suffer from adultism. ciao.
credits too all the original authors, sorry i cant write it down one by one, u guys can check it yourself by asking uncle google.kkkk
some of the sorces was in Bahasa Indonesia and i translate it myself, sorry if it gramatically error,coz im not an expert in english :D
i have no intentions to hurt anyone with this notes, this is 100% just to make myself and any of u who willing to read this, understand what adult is. hope it's beneficial for us :)
end of my notes, ups, looks like a paper in length already. haha. too enthusiastic :p
just untag it if u dont like this :D
Friday, October 1, 2010
osce blok 20
Trus osce nya tgl 26 september kemaren, osce spss, dan hebatnya itu barengan sama hari statistika. Wow amazing! ƪ(‾o‾")ʃ
Saturday, September 11, 2010
a nite chat with my Thai friend
one thing
about 50% of girl put the standard of boyfriend as pop stars
for european it may sounds not that wierd
but for us, they all put to korean
The result is
How can the country around here looks alike korean
so this is a theory of the boyy
as the boy cannot meet her standard
he must low it down
and the way is depending on his technique
sweet talk
family background
sports playing
SO TRUE! haahaahahah
but, this is what i thought
sometimes girls just dont do it in purpose
blame the cute KOREAN guys!
they just keep coming on our mind
just like u boys thinking abt SNSD, pamela anderson, whatever
after this we discussed abt the boyband nowadays,,international and asian differences,,
My friend (MF)
I put Boyzone and westlife as example
Modern international, Fort Minor and Linkinpark
Modern East Asia
2PM and Super Junior
I learned that both of last two choices learn from first group but they change
as you can see
International pop song change the rhythm
while korean change the dancing
whatever, at the end they have their own "music", so it's okay
one man that change this world is MJ
He made the style of dancing as everyone on the back to follow
It never begin
as in the previous time, no one did
and I think about the reason why international doesnt copy his dancing because they enjoy sounds more than visual
yeah! love MJ!
while asian enjoy visual more
but to korean, they enjoy this dancing and so they make it more advantage
isnt it?
as you see on the news
almost MV re in the news
u know, many great indonesian singers are unpopular here in Indonesia coz they didnt have "good look". but overseas, internationally,like in paris, holand, somthing, they even won 1st prize in singing comp.
and Rain
is one of the light holder when MJ is dancing in studio once
really??? light holder? like really hold LIGHT???
so the conclusion is, RAIN WA MJ LIGHT HOLDER! woooow
kekekek,, anyway MF is poon. we just talk random things tonite~~ hoaaam.. my eyes hurt,,need to go to sleep immediately, else tomorrow i cant wake up before noon. LOL
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Bonamana official pic
this is the official pictures of Super junior newest album, Bonamana.
The top picture said to be the cover of their 4th album version B, while the bottom one will be the version A album.
(aiiih~~~ i want the B one then! but i've already pre-ordered the A one! i want the one with my sungmin oppa!!!)
release date :
version A : May 13th, 1pm KST
version B : around May 22nd (lost my memory :p)
"Oia, tenyata album ke-4 ini sudah di PO oleh hampir 200,000 orang baik online maupun offline. Terdapat 64,800 orang yang PO secara online dan 133,685 yang secara offline. Jadi total ada 198,485 orang!
Sungguh sebuah bukti bahwa kalau Super Junior sangat dinantikan oleh para penggemar nya!"
(from http://starjunior.wordpress.com)
wooooowww..isnt that amazing! my suju does ROCK!
bonamana lyrics!!
for you all, check the lyrics out!
i take the gross one from starjunior,
but once the MV released, i edited it myself :D
ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddadaddarabba
ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddadaddarabba
[SIWON] Neon alkkamalkka alkkamalkka neomu yebbeun miina
Nal michyeotdago malhaedo nan niga jotda miina
[HEECHUL] Nuga jeonhaejwo my baby, to my baby naega yeogi itdago malya
Gidarinda malya (Baby, you turn it up now)
[KYUHYUN] Neon gatabuta gatabuta mal jeon haera miina
Ni maeumeul gajeotdamyeon geunyang naneun salmui winner
[YESUNG] I sesangui ichiran ichiran yonggi itneun jareul ddara na gateun nom malya
[RYEOWOOK] Yetmare say, yeolbeon jjigeumyeon neomeoganda eusseuk eusseuk eusseuk
[SUNGMIN] Geunyeoneun gangjeok kkeuddugeopda bbijuk bbijjuk bbijjuk
[RYEOWOOK] Nan eoddeokhalkka eoddeokhalkka geunyeomani nae gwansimingeol geol geol
[ALL] Bounce to you, Bounce to you
Nae gaseumeun neol hyanghae japhil sudo eopseul mankeum ddwigo itneungeol
Break it down to you, Down to you
Nae gaseumi neo neol gatji mothandamyeon meomchul georanda (nal barabwara)
[ALL] Bolkkamalkka bolkkamalkka bolkkamalkka gateun namja
Bonchemanche bonchemanche bonchemanche doraseo bwado
Bogobwado bogobwado bogobwado na bakke eopda
Bonamana bonamana bonamana (baby, you turn it up now)
[DONGHAE] Mwol salkka salkka salkka salkka neoreul wihan seonmul
Oh michigetda saenggakman haedo joahhal ni moseup
[KYUHYUN] Listen girl! [donghae] johahae [KYUHYUN] Baby girl! [yesung] saranghae
[KYUHYUN] namani neoreul wihan namja [YESUNG] Deureojwo bwa neoreul hyanghan gobaek
[RYEOWOOK] Nae Mamui say aeman taeuji malgo jebal kkeudeok kkeudeok kkeudeok
[SUNGMIN] i noryeok jeongdomyeon narado guhae giteuk giteuk giteuk
[LEETEUK] Nan eoddeokharago eoddeokharago geunyeomani nae jeonbuingeol geol geol
[LEETUK] Nan deudieo michilgeoya
Deo mot chamgesseo geunyeomanui milgo danggigi
[EUNHYUK] O jinjja michilgeoya nuga jom mallyeobwa bwa
Ireokhe himdeul georan geol nuga malhaesseoyatji
[RYEOWOOK] (It’s) True, true nae gamjeongeun gal gosi eopseo
Nege matchwo beoringeol neon jal aljanni
[KYUHYUN] How to keep loving you?
Naega jinjja nege jalhalge idaero nal sseokhyeo dujima
[YESUNG] Gidarinda miina! [SHINDONG] Hope you’ll step to me, step to me
[YESUNG] Saranghanda miina! [SHINDONG] Bring it, sign to me, sign to me
[SHINDONG] HaHaHaHa HaHaHaHaHa [RYEOWOOK & KYU] Geunyeoga imi nal barabol junbiga dwae isseotnabwa
ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddadaddarabba
ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddanddaranddan ddadaddarabba
[SIWON] Would you know or not, know or not, such a beautiful person
Even if people say I’m crazy, I still like you beautiful person
[HEECHUL] Someone spread the word my baby, to my baby that I’m here
Waiting for you (Baby, you turn it up now)
[KYUHYUN] You say something anything beautiful person
If I have your heart, then I’m a life’s winner
[YESUNG] The reason for this world, reason for this world, follows a brave guy like me
[RYEOWOOK] There’s a saying that if you try 10 times, it works* EuSseuk EuSseuk EuSseuk**
[SUNGMIN] She’s a strong opponent, it doesn’t work pout pout pout pout***
[LEETEUK] What should I do, what should I do, she’s my only interest girl girl
My heart is beating so fast that it can’t be caught by you
Break it down to you, Down to you
If my heart can’t have you, then it’ll stop (Look at me)
[SHINDONG&EUNHYUK] Would she look, would she look, would she look, at a man like me
Even if I turn back like I haven’t seen her, haven’t seen her, haven’t seen her
No matter where you look, where you look, where you look, there’s no one like me
For sure, for sure, for sure (Baby, you turn it up now)
[DONGHAE] What should I buy, buy, buy, buy, a present for you
Oh I’m going crazy just by think of how you’ll be happy
[KYUHYUN] Listen girl! [???] I like you [KYUHYUN] Baby girl! [EUNHYUK(???)] I love you
[KYUHYUN] I am the man for you, [YESUNG] please listen to my confession for you
[RYEOWOOK] Stop torturing my mind, please nod, nod, nod
[SUNGMIN] With this effort I can save a country praise-worthy, praise-worthy, praise-worthy
[LEETEUK] What am I supposed to do supposed to do, she’s my everything girl girl
I can’t take it anymore, her playing games with me
[EUNHYUK] Oh I’ll really go crazy please someone stop her
No one told me it was going to be this hard
[RYEOWOOK] (It’s) True, true my feelings have nowhere to go to
You know that I’ve suited everything for you
[KYUHYUN] How to keep loving you?
I’ll be really good please don’t let me rot like this
[YESUNG] Waiting for you beautiful person! [SHINDONG] Hope you’ll step to me, step to me
[YESUNG] I love you beautiful person! [SHINDONG] Bring it, sign to me, sign to me
[SHINDONG] HaHaHaHa HaHaHaHaHa [RYEOWOOK & KYU] Looks like she was ready to look at me
BONAMANA MV released!!!!
13 of may 2010
11 am KST
Bonamana MV , Super Junior 4th album single has finally RELEASED!!!
.open this site and click the play button to make the video counted as the most viewed one!.
i was having a small group discussion (tutorial) in my campus at that exact time!
all i can do was blaming the unfair situation! huaaaaaaaaaa...why should i have this kind of situation! i wanna skip the class!! i wanna go home and watch it!!
lucky me, my friends tiwi and kyky brought their laptop and portable internet devices (haiiih,,i dont know the exact name of it, modem ?? whatever lah ya)
then while waiting for my tutor to come, we opened the site, which is the daumnet something, and then waited for the buffering.
hell yeah! the buffering took almost a century to finish!
before it buffered not even 50% of it, my tutor came,,
we muted the laptop and kept the buffering on.
during the discussion, okay well, everytime my tutor lectured us about those boring things we've just discussed a few second before him, kyky click the play button and we watch it patiently (because the buffering was still ongoing) MUTEdly .
and i got DYSPNEAU! -thanks God i ddnt get heart attack or sudden cardiac arrest. hahaha-
seriously! i got those shortness of breath et causa bonamana MV! - need to figure out the phatophysiology.lol-
watch it yourself! -but dont forget to click the youtube/smnet play button first!
my sungmin oppa is tooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute to described~~ >.<
ahh~~ epistaksis!!
my fave part..listen girl CUAHEE baby girl SARANGHEE~~
bonamana bonama bonamana~~
anw, bonamana was once become a trending topic on twitter for more than 24hours!
and eversince the MV released, it has been TT for around 7 hours!
ELFs are sooooo sooooo gorgeous! ;p
he got into FK Unsri
related to my previous post 'afif got into fkg ui"
there's 1 newest news about him.
he got into FK Unsri non-reg by PMDK way!
wooow! that's my brother!!
too bad ayu didnt make it this time, but hey,, you still have a long way to go,, lots entrance test, keep on figthing my dearest sister! i know you can do it! we just need time to reveal God's master plans :D
Monday, May 10, 2010
afif got into FKG UI
this post will be about my family's story.
i havent post about it in a looong looong time.
i only have 1 brother and 1 sister which are all younger than me, and has just graduated from high school.
now they fight for their dream, fight on every entrance test they interested in to get a seat on uni.
one of the entrance test they joined was SIMAK UI,
and luckily, my brother got a seat on DENTISTRY faculty there. and now, everybody is on a doubt whether to take it or not.
i myself want him to get medical one, he's too good to be a dentist, he can be a proffesor-doctors-subspecialist in an easier way than i am (im not sure i can.lol), and he is a boy. it will be great if he can be a surgeon,internist or gynecologyst just like my father~~
released date: 10-05-2010
title : Bonamana - minna
click on the play button and help riseing up their music bank chart! go go go!!
my 2nd wall post to han geng
today my friend mully told me about han geng's (superjunior members) facebook status,
so then i open up his account ( http://www.facebook.com/HanGeng984 ) and found this one:
"I really miss them and all those present. I closed all the flavors were to be together again. Now people say will always support me. But I hope all the people and ELF do the same thing to them. Sorry if I can not participate in the preparation of the comeback with them. I contacted them yesterday, and I'm glad they've tried hard to prepare everything for later. I always support them"
its so sad right??
so i decided to write something on his wall,,
in the other hand, my Taiwanese friend, amy, was online.
here was the plan, i write it in english, then i asked amy to translate it to mandarin.
and here is the result :
我希望super junior會不只在現在有,以後也會永遠存在~
okay,let just put the english one too~~
your status is so sad,,we do miss you too~~
i believe all of the other members and ELFs-worldwide will always support you no matter what.
the show must go on, bonamana was released (it was really good, have you listen to it?), the comeback date has been chosen, although you're not there with them, you will always on our heart. fixed the things up and back!
i always hope suju will now and forever be 13th and family of 15th~ the largest boyband ever :D
take care and hope the things goes well for you^^
and suddently i realize that i missed some lastpart when i copied it to amy.
stupid me (---___---)
but it's okay la~~ hope he'll willing to comment or reply it :D
Sunday, April 25, 2010
just see all my blog posts and think how "ababil" i am.
anyway, this coming august, i'll love superjunior for A YEAR!
wow..i never thought i can be such a fanatic,, this is my very first time.
i ever be a fan of F4 long long time ago, but still not this freak.
i do love superjunior!!
this year's pensi will be held in this saturday~~ im so so so damn stress of it.
we have to do our best buddies!!!
not only for a victiry, but also for a memory!! ;p
aaah~~ still have to buy a football shirt which im not sure yet what country/club should i buy. errr
Saturday, April 24, 2010
suju's twitter account
i've got excited these days.
6 suju out of 15 got their own TWITTER account!
and the most important is, my sungmin oppa GOT ONE too!
there's noway that the account are fake.
it confirmed by our TWELFs,
some of them direct their account to their own cyworld which is impossible to do by others.
and we can know by seeing the who are their "following". they'll follow each other,and they tweet a private pic right after they took it.
here are the list, from the first one i know:
SHINDONG : @shinsFriends
DONGHAE : @donghae861015
SIWON : @choi_sw
SUNGMIN : @myblacksmile
HEECHUL : @hee18 --> @heedictator (he delete his 1st account and make a new one, i think he dont know how to change the username.lol)
HENRY : @henrylau89
maybe -and i hope so- when i posted this post, more and more members join the twitter world.
if someone ask me who i think will make 1 first, i'll say EUNHYUK. because he is an achovhy (okay nonsense.hahaha)
because of my craziness for SUJU , i try to reduce my suju thingy tweet by reactivate my other twitter account, @ichalovesuju.
Friday, April 23, 2010
blogwalking dan ngerasa blog gw ga penting banget,,hahaha
well, that's me.
this blog is about all things i love,, somepeople things im childish, ababil, whatever, i just being myself and proud of it.
beberapa hari ini masih sibuk cari kaos suju yg oke, daaaaaaaaan,, udh suka 1, dr semua orang yg dimintain pendapat bilang kaos itu norak. dengan berat hati gw mutusin buat ga beli. TT_TT
tapi tadi si yg jualan sms lagi. hahahaha..maaf ya mbak, kata temen2 gw norak sih, ilangin dulu yg warna warni nya.. ;p
kehidupan perkuliahan baik2 saja, minggu depan pensi, jadi PJ penampilan bikin stress out banget. lumayan buat olahraga otak. ;p
belom buat dibahas. yg penasaran bisa langsung hubungin gw. *halah*
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
its 17th block already!!
17th is my lucky number, my fave numbers, my birthday date, my seniorhigh name and related to FK UNSRI it is also MY FATHER's things.
because this 17th block is about REPRODUCTION!
-well, for those who just trapped to this old-lame-silly-blog, my father is an obgyn, and for those who doesnt know what it is (are you sure you dont know it???), he is a doctor who help delivered the baby-
it was started just 2 days ago (march 1st), but i was exhausted already! The class start at 7.30 every morning and ends at 15.50, i have to keep my eyes open for almost 9 lectures everyday! the resting time is only 50 minutes at 11.40-12.30, well it's long enough for having a lunch in the cafetaria without sholat, but hey, im moeslem and not in my monthly schedule! but since we ARE very creative, we brings our lunch and eat it in class. hahaha
anyway, im hungry now, so let just finish this post now. ;p
want to read more from me??
follow me on twitter!
my email to kimg : post-conference write up
how's your day?
as i ever promised, here are 3 write up about our great EAMSC KL 2010. Just let me know if you need any other help or this one is not what you need. ;p
Mahathir Anas, Hasanuddin university, RC of Indonesia
EAMSC 2010 was a great conference. During the conference, I got so many things.
I got knowledege, new experience and new family.The committee was success in making EAMSC a great event. Thanks for Kimg, for her hard work. For euniece and kevin, my lovely GM for their kindness. I hope we can always remember all of the memory that we made during the conference and we can meet again in other place and other time in the future.
Sekarlangit, group 5, Gajahmada university
Hi, my name is Sekar. I am a delegate from Indonesia and a proud member of Group 5 at EAMSC 2010 Kuala Lumpur. :) EAMSC 2010 was my very first conference I joined, so I was looking forward to it and was very excited. When I arrived at the hotel straight from the airport, I was a bit nervous. There were many people in the lobby and everything was pretty much hectic. But then I got a very warm welcome from my two-awesome-GMs, JY and Shirly, all the nervous feeling disappeared and I know that I’m in good hands and will have tons of fun.and I did. I enjoyed every activity in the schedule, met tons of new friends from many different countries, and as I told you before I had bizzillions of fun. Though sometimes I got sleepy during day-activities (lol), but the activities are way too interesting to do to rather than just sleeping. Hehe
I’m in Group 5, where I met super-lovely-nice-hilarious friends and we became very close throughout the conference. I still keep in touch with some of them until now,with my GMs as well. In the end, I think that the commitee had work really hard for this conference, and yes they did made one-super-awesome conference! This has been a great experience for me, I loved every bit of the conference, and sometimes I still think about the days I had while I was in the conference. :)
So thankyou all,for all my friends in Group 5+JY+Shirly, I miss you all!
See ya all in AMSC 2010 Jakarta, Indonesia! :D :D
the last one is from me :p
Raissa Nurwany, Sriwijaya university, ex-Chief of delegates of Indonesia
Being one of the CDs was not an easy things to do, but thanks to all the committee who cooperatively help us way before this conference started, especially Kimg, Jingfen, and my two witty Gm, dhass and yikping. You all did a great job! well, except, you made some of us starving because of no lunch at the registration day :p
but still, overall, you all did a great job! I also love all the committee performances.haha
IT WAS A GREAT FUN FOR ME BEING IN THE MIDDLE OF AMSA INTERNATIONAL FAMILY ONCE AGAIN. My group is so awesomely awesome! -group 2, we are STONEs!!- not rocks! haha. shun,festus,alan,poon,stone,bat,david,ayon,thireak,sandra,christine,atthiyah,jung,sara,jane,dhass and yikping i really miss you all now, our lame joke, our silly games, our discussion, our skits, our laugh,stories, photos, everything. (thanks to anyone who made us as a group).
psst, anyway, my post conference syndrome havent really gone yet, and so does my friends. we keep on talking about our unforgetable conference in malaysia, how you all served us very well, the foods, the hotel, the people itself and ofcourse the study time (ups..sleep time i mean. :D)
it was only a week, but the memories, the experiences, the stories will last forever in my heart. really. for sure. LOL. i cant wait for another conference. miss you all guys,
see ya at AMSC 2010 Indonesia!!^^
that's all.
warmest regards from Indonesia to all of the committee^^
well, if you asking me, why i copy this email to my blog, the answer is simple, because i want to.
hahaha. its quite fun to read too. why a NOT???
yesterday, i got a mention in twitter from one of my senior, he said he read this blog and he amazed of my AMSA-ism. (i thought it was about my Superjunbior-ism at first) but, am I that AMSA-ism? hmm..
only God knows. hahahaha
so lame!
Monday, February 15, 2010
wasting my limited time.
its now 1 and a half day before my MCQ and OSCE (term of 2 kind of exam in my college, 1 is for multiple choiches question, 1 is for lab skill assasement).
this block topic is psychiatric-well, i mentioned it already in my previous post-.
the more i study this blog, the more i think im not health in psychological view. hahaha
-just kidding, im 100& not a schizopherenia patient! really! believe me! LOL-
this afternoon, i was doing my SOCA exam, and oral case exam. i got schizoafective disorders, a disorders in which the symptoms meet both major depressive/manic episodes + schizophrenia that happen in the same time.
the case was about a mother who got over jealous to his husband due to a romantic sms unexpectedly received by her husband. everytime she hear a tokek voice, she think that her husband is with other lady. (idk what is tokek in english, its an animal looks like lizard but produce sounds like "tooo kek... tooo keekk" haha). then she hear a woman voices who told her that her husband is cheating back of her and she cant refuse what the woman voice ask her. She often crying, and incoherent while speaking. etc etc.. she also has obssesive compulsive personality disorder.
my SOCA prognosis : dubia
well, i can analyzes it perfectly (i think). but since my friends told me that both of my proctors is stingy in giving a score, i doubt that i'll get a high score. huhuhuhu
anyway, im reading percy jackson book 1 now.
and it's awesome!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
like title of a famous drama series.
now the time is 11.35.
what i suppose to do is sleeping or else studying, isnt it??
but what i do now is waiting for buffering of "Star King ep152" where eunhyuk,eetuk, shinee,and snsd took part.
oh yeah this kpop things driving me crazy.
its 7 days before my 20th bday party.
i hope i can be mature this year..hope i can get lots of A mark..lots of FUN..lots of happiness..and ofcourse i can make my parents proud,like i always do (isnt it ma? pa? lol).
Sunday, February 7, 2010


left to right,
1st line : shun-japan,festus-indonesia, alan-hongkong, poon-thailand, dhass-GM, stone-korea, bat-mongolia, yikping-GM
2nd line: david-taiwan, ayon-aussie, thireak-cambodia
girls : sandra-taiwan,christine-singapore,atthiyah-indonesia, jung-korea, me, sara-korea, jane-hongkong
THE BEST GROUP IN EAMSC 2010 ! GROUP 2, we are stones!!!! lol
here i come with my brandnew story about my last conference, EAMSC.
EAMSC stands for east asian medical student's conference. if you think that this conference was attend only by east asian med students, you are wrong. it was held BY east asian med students country, but attend by AMSA international members, including their observer and invited guest, namely indonesia, thailand,taiwan,hongkong,korea,japan,australia,mongolia,cambodia,philiphines,singapore, nepal, bangladesh, palestine, ISCOMS committee (from netherland med students), IFMSA delegates, and ofcourse the host for this event, malaysia (im sorry if i forget to mention some countries do to my bad memory :D).
it was only a week, from 14th jan to 19th jan, but the memories, the experiences, the stories will last forever in my heart. really. It was a hard thing
---i suddently stop writing this post because coinccidently, i found one of my GM's blog, and i still read it now, it is a good post, and i cant control my tears not to drop. huhuhu..i really miss my group members--- (i'll take some of his sentences to this post later)
i wrote a lot for 2 times and it all gone! great! i lost my mood to write!
just see my FB albums for more info!
my recent memory
it's been 4 month from my last post.
i used to write on twitter now, simpler.
but idk why, i open up this blog after see a blog of CN blue "im a loner" lyrics. yup, CN blue, the 1st korean GROUP band i know. i thought korea only have BOYband and GIRLband, but hey,, there is a GROUPband there. not to mention they still consist of handsome boys.LOL
im in my psychiatric block right now na na na..a week before the exam and not like usual, my head is almost empty! i dont even know what is consolidation until boncel told me few days ago. oh my!
last month i went to KL for EAMSC 2010. the theme was "men's health, defining the past, refining the future". it was a great opportunity for me. being one of chieft of indonesians delegates with rhema from UPH really gave me thousand memories, knowledge, and uncountable experiences. i learn how to deal with ticketing, how to manage people, how to design namecard, how to make everything going undercontrol. it wasnt an easy things to do. sometimes i feel like i want to quit the job, but thanks to my family and friends, my juniors, that always gave me lots and lots of support so i can finished it all. i wouldnt finished it without you all. IT WAS A GREAT FUN FOR ME BEING IN THE MIDDLE OF AMSA INTERNATIONAL FAMILY ONCE AGAIN. i cant wait for another conference. anyway, my roomate was a cute-korean-canadian-girl named SARA. read my other post about this for detail^^
next month im going to go to thailand for APRM (asian pasific regional meeting). it's not AMSA international event, it held by IFMSA (international federation of medical students association). and im one out of 13 representatives of AMSA Indonesia. it will be a great opportunity to me to learn more about this organization and the theme that really curious me. the theme is "complementary and alternative medicine". you know, i always pay more interest in herbal and traditional medicine, so i think this event is a great opportunities. but im sad i cant join IMSTC (indonesia medical student trainning c...) in aceh because of the same date. i really want to go to aceh, i want to see the land i see in my 2 years old of life, i want to learn more about paper and poster so that i can join the upcoming paper poster competition, i want to meet my AMSA Ina friends (oh yeah, they will take many pictures and tag me! then they'll be making many stories and gossip without me! they will chit chat more and more and more and make me envy them! believe me! hikss). still I'll have much fun to in thailand. i believe it! yeeeiy!
anyway, these day, me and boncel got a big dissapointment of airasia. yeap that "low" cost flight. it cancel our PLB-KL flight just inthe morning after we booked the ticket! the problem is, they wont cancel our KL-BKK ticket! so we have to go to jakarta first,then KL, just to go to bangkok! what we actually need is cancel all the tickets and make it into JKT-BKK! that's all and we'll be FINE! but they say they CAN'T! THANKS A LOT AIRASIA !
ps : please help me wish my exam an A mark :D