Tuesday, January 31, 2012

im back at this point,
the point where im not even sure where i am,
how can i know which path to choose?
no clue, no guidance,
alone im standing,
left or right, forward or backward, or even oblique way?
not sure

even when there's only two ways,
live it or leave it,
all i can do is standing still,
worries cover my faith,
dreams become blur in doubt,
when all i can do is asking myself, is it what i really want?
or at least, do i really need this?
do i deserve it?

im about to run,
like what i used to do in my past,
im really good at it,
wrenching others heart while fixing mine,
but i feel like it just too odd to do so,
and it just too cruel this time,
i'll feel in deathly sin,

but is it right to let this flows?
the end is still a mystery,
but if it'll end with misery,
i dont think i can forgive myself,
being bad girl isnt my speciality, im not good at it

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