Wednesday, July 22, 2009
SOCA 13, melena e.c sirosis hepatis dekompensata e.c hepatitis B
Capek ngetik dihape, daaan udh brjanji sama dirisendiri buat ga buka komputer kalo ga terdesak ato ada urusan yg penting banget.
So, baru skarang deh nge-post lagi.
Lagi ga ada kerjaan nunggu giliran masuk dokter gigi buat kontrol dwimingguan ini..
kalo jumat ga mo brangkat ampe tgl 8ntar, maleees bnget ke dokter giginya hari ini! Hiks..
Gimana ga,
Sumpe..beneran orang terakhir dr 123orang isi kelas! (klo gea ga diitung brarti 122..hoho)
Jam 1aja belom masuk! Padahal dr.budi+dr.dahler aja udah selesai!
OMG..mana firasat dari pagi bener lagi, dapet SIROSIS HEPATIS DEKOMPENSATA yg ga semaster 2 yg laen *jyaaah..sok bngt..haha*
Kakak2 pnjaga aja ampe kasian sm aku,,kakak2 06 udh pd datang mo tutorial jam2..
Sedii la pokoknya..
syapa pengawasnya ampe lama gini?
Dr.iskandar! Pantess..
Trus 1 lg, dr.aida *again and again* hiks
Pas aku udh selesai buat flip chart dan jalan kebelakang,
Masi ada 3orang dikelompokku yg belom masuk! Bayangkan sodara2!!
OMG..kremikremi udh pada JIVE dance nih!! Arggghhh..lapeeeeer..ngantuk...bosen!!!!
Setelah penantian yg amat sangat luamaaaaaaaaaaaa sekali, setara dengan bolak2 aceh-manado 3x naek unta (oke,ini lebay), akhirnya sham keluar dan my brain shout "MY TURNNN"..
Persentasi sambil loncat2, ditanya2 dikit,
Dan dgn bodohnya lupa estrogen dibuat dmn di cowok!
Trus jg ga tw knapa GIT atas yg brdarah eeknya item..(ternyata kata nyi2ng soalny kena HCL..ini bneran ga tau..sumpe dee)
Mami papi..maafkan eike yg agak malu2in soca kali ini..hiks
Pas udh selesai ditanya2,
ada percakapan aneh,
Aku, "udh ya dok?"
Dr.aida (d.a) "oh iya udh"
-aku nurunin flip chart dan ngelipet dgn lugunya-
Dr.iskndr (d.i), "loh?? Kok kmu trunin?? Belom belom..pasang lagi.."
-aku dgn lugunya *again* mo masang lagi tuh flip chart-
D.i, "dak oi maen2.."
D.i, "sini kau, cium tangan dulu"
-dan aku yg *again* lugu, dgn nurutnya nyium tangan mereka. Dan..tgn d.i bau ayam gulai pagisore..arrrgh jadi tmbah laper nih-
D.a, "nah, ngapo pake cium tangan nih, aneh2 be"
D.i, "idak, tgn aku nih caknyo bau tai..hahaha"
He??? Berasa ada tim spontan yg ngomong UHUY!
Tpi bau ayam gulai kok, beneran..
*ato idung aku udh ga bisa lagi bedain eek dan ayam gulai yg kayaknya MUSTAHIL*
Kalo sham bilang tdi sih,
"everythings happen for a reason"
Tapi apa yah hikmah hari ini..
1.tau lebih banyak dan lebih dalam danebih rinci ttg sirosis hepatis.jadi ga terlalu malumaluin. Trus jg patofisio jdi lengkap ditambah2 trus..
2.tau gosip2 lebih banyak gara2 crita2 sm kikiaulia
3.terharu sama nining dan ratri yg nungguin aku selesai biarpun akhirnya ga kemana2
4.tau kalo azlan belajar bhs korea otodidak jg..hahaha
OSCE lancar..nothing important..kecuali kelupaan nyebut Zinc di management diare..ya udhlah..bodo amat..
Friday, July 17, 2009
My review about HP6
(he wrote about HP6) i have a desire to write about this also.
Yesterday i watched premiere HP6 *harry potter and half blood prince* at PIM *palembang indah mall* together with my friendsss (really lot of them, but still cant beat when watching ayat ayat cinta)
There i was sitting in the middle of nying and bena.
sepanjang film omongan bena tentu aja seputer cowok ganteng yg nyongol terutama si cormac *i do think he's kindda cute :D*.
Dan nining+ratri yg duduk disebelahnya sibuk melting2 ga jelas tiap si really-PALE-draco malfoy appear on the screen! *ohmigosh!! He's not CUTE at hp6! Too pale..is he become a vampire already????*
Daaaan..ntah knapa aku hari itu lebih parah dari uti..
Jejeritan ga jelas..
Sumpah suka ngejutin ga penting tuh film!
But its FUN,, udh lama ga bebas jejeritan gitu, i like it when my adrenalin rush *hoho..omongan artis holllywood banget*
Daaaaan puaaaas rasanya..
Mungkin karena udah terlalu lama jarak aku baca novelnya sama film nya muncul, jadi aku rada2 lupa jalan crita detailnya.
Untung ada kuskus alias manman alias usman buat ditanyatanyain.
Aku sempet lupa siapa yg hobinya ciuman sama ron *ya ampuuun nmny bru disebut dtngah2 dn cm LAV doang, untg inget, lavender brown.
Nah kalo si cormac beneran ga inget..haha
Sampe tengah,,yang kira2 1,5 jam *sumpah ini pilm lama banget, mau 2,5jam kayaknya*
Si daniel radcliffe oppa *berasa pilm korea* tetep guanteng dan attractive..gyaaaaa... *tetep*
Si wonwon tetep aja aneh dan ga sadar2 sama perasaannya ke hermione *berarti aku manggil kimbum, bumbumcay senorak itu..ya ampyuuuun*
Knapa cowok tuh suka ga peka!! Paabu!
efek2 filmnya ,pastinya, TOP banget dah! Uhuuuuy..sukses pokoknya..
Semua keren sampe ketemu ending..
Kereen si, tapi too short!
I expect lot of fight between death-eater and orde.
Tapi mana???? Orde muncul aja kagak!
What the!!
Jadi berasa dumbledore matinya kurang seruu, daaan pas dumbledore jatoh kebawah kayak video klip d
'massiv yg diaer2 itu *thats why i dont really feel sad kali ya..malah lucu..hahaha*
It was a GREAT movie just like all previous version of HP,
But this one have a-not-really-good-ending!
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Mari menginggriskan bahasa indonesia
Tapi apalah daya, baru minat sekarang pas lampu mati, ga bisa buka komputer (padahal mo bikin slide prresentasi LIA buat hari kamis depan..hiks),
Dan ntah knapa ga ada gairah buat baca slide *slide is right in front of me now*..huuuf..
Knapa ya blok ini males banget blajar..
Mana besok sampe minggu ada dijakarta buat MUNAS (tambah ga mungkin belajar).
Munas is musyawarah nasional, acara AMSA gitulah..hmm
post ini tentang beberapa bahasa indonesia yyg directly diinggrisin sama temen2 aku les LIA,,
And some is added by my bro..
for joke only..tapi lumayan lucu..
Just enjoy^^
people jungle >> orang utan
..haha orang utan tetep orang utan kalee..oneday, my LIA's friend said, "miss, u must go to punti kayu, there r many people jungle there"
Happy auntie >> tante girang
temen aku yg cewek ada yg suka gangguin temen sekelas kami yang cowok tapi baru lulus SMA *she is at her 3rd year*. Tiba2 ada 1org temen kami yg lain bilang "ohmigosh,, u re just like a happy auntie"
Broken brain >> pecah utak *otak*
nah ini lumayan sering disebut kalo kepala udah pusing kebanyakan tugas.."miss, u make me broken brain"
Ckckck..what the maksud..
Dont follow follow >> jangan melok2 *ikut2*
Jangan melok2 tuh istilah yg amat sangat sering disebut orang palembang. They just translate it..daaaaan...aneh..haha
Fool ur father head >> tebudi palak bapak kau
Ini si afif yg ngomeng tadi, and i dont really get the point..just too rude..
little little i can >> sedikit2 bisa
Apalagi ya???hmmm...segini dlu deh..
Tuesday, July 14, 2009
lagi parah banget nih,,
mata seliweran terus, ngantuuuk,,
koper buat ke taiwan belom disusun,
slide buat ujian belom dibaca,,
and here i am,
jumat ini brangkat MUNAS ke jakarta,
minggu balik lagi kepalembang,
selasa-rabu ujian
jumat sore ke jakarta lagi,
sabtu subuh-3agustus ROAD to TAIWAn for AMSC,
*taiwan banyak fl;u abbi ga?? smoga ga, ya allah jgn sampe deh sakit disana*
4-7agustus , surabaya im comin.
7-9agustus, bermain dijakarta
9agustus, Palembang im back!
*schedule seorang artis bernama raissa*
kimbum jadi guru?
The poll was done from 4th till 11th May with participation from 3170 people.
Results were:
1. Lee Seung Gi (35.99% – 1141 votes)
2. Kim Bum (33.13% – 1051 votes)
3. Ahn Yeong Mi (10.6% – 336 votes)
4. Jo Sung Mo (9.68% – 307 votes)
5. Han Ye Seul (2.78% – 88 votes)
Netizens said, “I would want the fresh image Kim Bum to be my teacher”
credit goes to k-bites blog.
a-bum juara 2~


credit. kimbumindonesia forum
huaa APA!!!!
anak anak cewek bakal masuk rumah sakit semua dengan keluhan yg beda2,
- keabisan darah gara2 mimisan yg sangat hebat
- keabisan nafas gara2 terlalu lama nahan nafas
- step alias kejang kejang
- kena serangan jantung dan meninggal seketika dgn mata keluar
- mulut nganga ga nutup2, sambil iler netes2
andwe andwe andwe
hehe..lebai ya.. lol
Friday, July 10, 2009
so i decided to write it down in my blog..hehe
pagi (well, it was 11.30 already actually) ini dimulai dengan rencana mo nemenin mama nyari jilbab buat oleh2 ke temennya,
tapi gara2 muaceeeeet banget, ga jadi deh..
trus kerumah nyai sumur tinggi,,
lagi berantakan rumahnya, mo ganti keramik sama apalah gitu, renovasi intinya..
trus lanjut makan,
aku sama ayu maunya bebek, afif sama mama mau sop kambing aji akiek (heraan dr dulu mama-papa nyebutnya ini, pdahal namanya 99).
setelah perdebatan puaaanjaaang didalem mobi,
diputusin buat makan sop kambing.
abis makan, dan perut kenyang, kami bingung mo kemana,
tadinya mo facial, tapi ga enak kekenyangan gini facial, lagian belom sholat zuhur.
afif, "gimana kalo kita ke PTC aja?"
semua, "setujuuuu!"
mama,"tapi sebelumnya numpang sholat dulu di rumah om muhdi"
dan ntah kena angin apa,
mama masuk ke satu butik dan ngeliat clana lucu.
mama, "ce, kalo anak aku yg itu pake ukuran ap?" *maksud sbenernya sih ayu*
si cece, "M"
terus si cece berjalan mendekat, dan suddently ngomong, "eh L kayaknya" *she means ME*
aku, "pasti gara2 boyoknya gede ya ce?" *huh*
mama, "bukan, yg satunya ce. icha mo coba juga?" *aku merasa terhina*
cece, "oh ini S bisa"
dan singkatnya aku dan ayu nyoba,
ayu pas pake S, trus aku nyobain L dan keGEDEan..
ga bener2 keGEDEan sih,
tapi pinggangnya itulooh..
banyak banget lebihnya..
jadi ditawarin cecenya coba M,,
sempet ga yakin muat aku,
tapi pas dicoba..wow..ajaib..
sekali lagi,ukuran "M" !!
bahagianyaaa aku..lamaaaaaaaaa banget kayaknya ga beli celana jadi,
biasanya udah pesimis duluan gara2 punya ukuran c4elana ga standar
(kata orang pinggul gede mudah melaqhirkan, semoga aja berlaku buat aku juga)
dan senengnya lagi, ada yg item juga, jadi sekalian,
aku sama ayu jadi beli 2 clana kembar deh, plus 1 tambahan clana item jadi aku beli 3 clana ukuran M hari ini..
*thanks to my MOM atas uang dan pengertiannya Xp*
sorenya aku sama ayu balik lagi ke alisan, toko yg jualan bahan2 kerajinan,
karena aku mutusin buat bikin kalung sendiri.
*menanggapi animo diri yg terlalu kuat untuk beli kalung, tapi duit jajan terlalu sayang dikeluarkan buat beli semuanya*
mo nyoba dulu, jadi beli bahan buat 1 kalung yg udah aku konsep secara matang *well,, nyontek desain orang secara matang sebenernya..haha*
ternyata bahannya aja abis 30ribu, woow!
kmaren di FB brapa ya? 60 ato 90 gitu..hemaaat hemat..
pulang krumah langsung ambil tang,
dan berkutik bersama rantai2,,
dan VOILA,
jadi deh..
dan ALL by myself!!
ntar mo nyoba bikin lebih banyak lagi..i named my project ica.rt (ica dan art)
*pengen nge-upload fotonya sih, tapi ntarlah, tunggu ada antivirus yg bener di komputer ini*
kalung baru, clana baru..yeiiiy
me in personality test
taken from:
Your view on yourself:
Other people find you very interesting, but you are really hiding your true self. Your friends love you because you are a good listener. They'll probably still love you if you learn to be yourself with them.i am myself already.. aih..ga bener nih..i cant even hide whether im happy or sad. How can i hide my TRUE self???
The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:
You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.not really. i dont judge a book ONLY by its cover, but it doesnt mean i dont care at all.
Your readiness to commit to a relationship:
You are ready to commit as soon as you meet the right person. And you believe you will pretty much know as soon as you might that person.yup yup..true!
The seriousness of your love:
You like to flirt and behave seductively. The opposite sex finds this very attractive, and that's why you'll always have admirers hanging off your arms. But how serious are you about choosing someone to be in a relationship with?im seriously serious. no doubt!
Your views on education
Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.as long as the LAZY virus dont attact me..hehe
The right job for you:
You have plenty of dream jobs but have little chance of doing any of them if you don't focus on something in particular. You need to choose something and go for it to be happy and achieve success.Sometimes im a doubtful person, yes the quiz right im the one who need to choose something and go for it.
How do you view success:
You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.Hoho.. halfly wrong, halfly true! (halah..apa si apa dong) im the one who love being in a new situation. i like trying something new. but i also the one who will think not to start something that i believe will not succeed at all.
What are you most afraid of:
You are afraid of things that you cannot control. Sometimes you show your anger to cover up how you feel.hehe..bener nih..
Who is your true self:
You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.kayaknya biarlah teman2 saja yg membahas yang terakhir ini. Xp
Kimbum story
This is the story of another F4 star, Kim Bum, with his mum describing his childhood life and interesting events that happened to him.
Kim Bum is a child who possessed an attractive smile. Whenever he smiles radiantly, his eyes will follow suit. Even for me, as his mother, I would often find him attractive whenever he smiles. This is to say, Kim Bum is someone who likes to to smile since young. Although it is a norm for infants to smile/laugh but Kim Bum does it much more frequently. Even if he was carried around by relatives or neighbours, he would still laugh happily, and was truly adorable.
Kim Bum’s charming smile can be traced back to a dream I had during my pregnancy. One day, I dreamt of three pigs, and they were all beautiful “flower piglets”. I carried one of them in my arms with the other two seemingly protecting our left and right. The piglet that I carried was a beautiful princess pig. After I woke up, I realized that it was a dream and thought that I would give birth to a daughter.
I’m not sure if I’m too eager to have a son during that time, but I actually dropped my tears after I woke up. However, 10 months later, I was carrying a healthy little baby boy. This child was simply too beautiful. The “princess piglet” was an indication of a beautiful baby boy.
credit: hanfever
Ya ampun,,
masa mamanya kimbum mimpi ttg babi cantik, trus anaknya kayak kimbum sih??
gimana kalo mamanya mimpiin brad pitt???
berarti ntar kalo lagi pada hamil, sebelum tidur pada mikirin babi dulu, syapa tau mimpi babi yg cantik, trus VOILA punya anak seganteng kimbum deh..
One on One with Kim Bum + my comment (in colour)^^

ISplus (IS): You seem like you would be a playboy like Boys Over Flowers' So Yi Jeong.
Kim Beom (KB): Thank you for the compliment, but we're actually quite different. Due to my extreme shyness, I can't get along with people that easily, let alone have the skill to seduce women. Although, I do have some characteristics similar to So Yi Jeong such as being cool-headed, not showing my inner feelings easily, etc. Come to think of it, when I was young, many girls my age used to follow me around a lot. (Laughs.)
yes yes,, i believe in you kim bum. girls follow u! huhu
IS: Have you ever had a girlfriend?
KB: Up til now, I have never had a girlfriend. I've always been very preoccupied with something, so it seems that my mind hasn't been free to have a girlfriend. I don't think I'll that freedom for some time to come.
gyaaaaaaaaa....id like to be the FIRST and the LAST..so sweeet kim bum..
IS: Are you sure you aren't like So Yi Jeong who is a playboy, but has blocked off his heart from women with an emotional wall?
KB: Come to think of it, that could be true too. However, Yi Jung developed that attitude due to his playboy father. I am like this because I am devoted to work, which thus far has more value and importance than a girlfriend. Still, I have a lot of female friends such as Boys Over Flowers' (Ga Eul) Kim So Eun, Park Shin Hye, and Go Ara, etc. that I get along well with. (All three actresses are his classmates in Chung-Ang University's Theatre & Film program.)
seiously bum?? dont be such workaholic like that, that not good. have some FUN..
come here to Indonesia, and ill take u to wonderful places. hoho
IS: If you get a girlfriend, what kind of present would you most want?
KB: I'd like to receive a meal (lunch box) made directly by her. With a busy filming schedule, I skip meals often. At such times, if I could eat a homemade meal by my girlfriend, I think it would spring forth energy (strength) that wasn't there.
I will bummie..i will..what are ur favourite foods??
(gyaaa..i "LIKE this" the italic words..really bum, i will make a lunch box everyday, everytime u want)
IS: Who is number 1 on your cellular phone speed dial?
KB: The agency representative and hyung that I trust and depend on the most. There are many things to discuss (consult) with him, so I put him as speed dial number 1 in order to speak on the phone with him often. Even if I do get a girlfriend, I don't think I will change my speed dial number 1.
such a workaholic man..hmmm.. then ur GF is at speed dial 2 right? 08*53*4*0*2 haha ngarep.. Xp
IS: What will you do if your parents oppose your marriage like Boys Over Flowers' Gu Jun Pyo?
KB: If I love [that person] to the point of wanting to get married but can't due to the opposition of those around me, I would regret it forever. I would [try to] persuade them again and again until they give me permission. I have lived with such integrity that my parents have remarkable faith in me. They will accept my wish.
oooohhh,,,, so sweeeet....
IS: What is your life motto?
KB: "You may lose once, but don't lose again." As you live life, you can encounter failures and you can make mistakes. I don't want to suffer the same setback by making the same mistake again. [The motto means that] although a person cannot be perfect, one should try his or her best in order to get closer to perfection.
my mother always say that a good man is the one who struggle wherever he is, whatever he do, and try his best.
seems that u are the GOOD one, lets go shopping (haha)
IS: When was the greatest crisis [you've faced] in life so far?
KB: I don't consider a crisis you cannot overcome as a crisis. Although I've had trivial cases that were difficult, I've overcome them. I don't think that I've experienced any extraordinary crisis.
such a good answer..woooa.. i think u'll win abannone or sumthing like that.
IS: If you became a chaebol (plutocrat) like in Boys Over Flowers, what would you most want to do?
KB: I don't want to become a chaebol. I want to always have dreams and put in intense effort in order to achieve those dreams. I think if I become a chaebol, I might become indolent (lazy) and lose sight of my dreams.
oh really bum?? what is ur dream actually? i dont see why not being a plutocrat (as long as not being mean like jun pyo's mother)
IS: Which websites do you have bookmarked?
KB: Portal sites such as Daum and Naver. I can come by a variety of information such as news in a short amount of time.
what's that? you didnt bookmarek yahoo!? facebook? twitter? youtube?
IS: Do you read internet comments [regarding yourself] and take them seriously? Is there a negative comment that remains on your mind?
KB: There was a time at the beginning of my debut when I agonized over negative comments that I don't even want to recall now. After that, I made up my mind not to pay attention to negative internet comments. I usually don't read those kinds of comments, but there doesn't seem to be a lot.
who send u that????
IS: Have you ever left a comment (reply) on the Internet?
KB: There hasn't a single time when I have added a reply.
really? but you tweet sumtimes..it is not include "comment" then..
IS: What are some objects that you always carry around in your bag?
KB: My cellphone and wallet. I only put things that I absolutely need in my bag.
IS: How do you manage your income and how much allowance do you (get and) spend?
KB: I manage my own income so there's no separate allowance. Truthfully, lately I haven't even had time to spend money.
just give your money to me, and ill spend it to you..hehe
IS: Do you have any superstitions or customs?
KB: I can't sleep before the first day of filming. I go to set after staying up all night. But I act better because my mind has become clearer. From a certain point in time, I decided not to sleep. However, there is the disadvantage of my physical condition being worse.
dont do that. sleep well, 8 hours/ day!
IS: What method do you use to relieve extreme stress?
KB: I meet up with cheerful people. Although I'm on the quiet side, I find that stress is relieved as I laugh when absorbed in pleasant conversations with pleasant people.
meet me then..haha
IS: Do you have any sleeping habits?
KB: I wouldn't k now my own sleeping habits. People who have slept with me on vacation haven't said anything in particular about it.
IS: Which athlete do you like the most?
KB: Manchester United's Cristiano Ronaldo. He plays the kind of soccer that I dreamt about when I was a soccer player in middle school.
Same as my father and my brother..gyaaaa..
u usually be a stricker when playing football right?
IS: Which three objects would you take with you if you had to be stuck on a deserted island?
KB: A (handled) video game console, a DVD player, and also a cellphone. If I watched movies on the DVD player and play video games in between, I think it would be enjoyable even on a deserted island. I would need the cellular phone to request aid (a rescue) when I get bored. Does a cellphone work on a deserted island, you ask? I saw a commercial awhile ago where jjajangmyun (black bean noodles) was even ordered for delivery using a cellphone.
hahaha..lets play the gameee
IS: If you were given a perfectly [schedule-]free day, what would you want to do?
KB: No matter how leisurely the one day is, wouldn't the next day be busy? In order to prepare (for the following day), it probably won't be completely free. I would want to just go somewhere nearby and get some fresh air and cool my head (mind) for a bit.
ooo..poor you,
let just watching DVD or karoeke at home..
ill accompany u..
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Kim Bum (김범) - 지금 만나러 갑니다 lyrics
KIMBUM again..
actually i've post this KIMBUM song before,
but, its in concert,
so the voice is not good enough.
since i found the good one (still without the real video clip)
ill post it again,
this time with lyrics^^
Kim Bum (김범) - 지금 만나러 갑니다 lyrics
seuchyeo jinaganeun saramdeul geu sogeseo
nuguboda meonjeo chatgosipeosseo
ulgeotman gatdeon geu nundongja moksoriga
anajugo sipeun maeumman deureo
geuriwoseo bogosipeo geudael bureumyeon
sesang eodideun geudaengeollyo
dasi geudael bulleo bomnida
na ireoke geudaeraseo
saranghaneun geudaeraseo
jigeum geudael mannareo gamnida
naege nunmulboda gipeun sarang
allyeojun geudae
cheoeum yaegihadeon gilgae garodeungdo
yeojeonhi ireoke naemameul bichwo
nungae seuchineun modeunge geu modeunge
geudaeegeman ieojuneun chueok
jinsimeuro johahage dwaetda malhamyeon
gollanhaehalkka duryeopjiman
dasi geudael bulleo bomnida
na ireoke geudaeraseo
saranghaneun geudaeraseo
jigeum geudael mannareo gamnida
naege nunmulboda gipeun sarang
allyeojun geudae
geudae hanaro
myeotbeonirago haedo
dasi taeeonandaedo
geudae sarangimyeon doendago
nuguboda saranghamnida
naegaseume nae mamsoge
sarainneun geudaeraseo
jigeum geudael mannareo gamnida
ije yeongwoniran yaksokkkaji damagamnida
geudae saranghaeseo haengbokhamnida
Source: Melon.com
Credits: thelapan + YTzEM
bummie thumbnail pictures
i saw sooo many picture of my dearest kimbum,
and i LOVE that
so i took it here..
jadul banget foto paling kanan (how old is he?)
love the right pic so bad..gyaaa
OMG,, looks like a lil baby boy,,how cute (left & right pic)
why he look so FAT with that jacket?? (2from right pic)
a lil bit ALAY, ut still HANDSOME..haha (middle pic)
gyaaaaa OUR jacket (2from left pic)
his smile...his smile..
rada mirip samuel zylgwyn ga sih yg diatas ini?
whose milk is that bum??
cute lilttle bumbum
GYAAAAA (freakin out)
OMG, how lucky the child was ToT
credit : http://www.shareapic.net/content.php?gid=648078&owner=alesxandrea