Thursday, July 9, 2009

My new hobbies

i think it's good to have hobbies,,
So u can do something in ure free time,
Sumthing that -u think- dont waste ur time..

Emang dari dulu aku kayaknya ga punya hobi yg berarti deh,,
Keterampilan ga pernah bener2 punya,
Suka si nyanyi, tapi ya sebates suka doang.
Suka si nari, tapi cuma buat several occasion aja, ga pernah diasah.
Bahasa juga cuma bisa indonesia,palembang, dan -survival-english (paling ga kalo disasarin di negara lain bisalah nanya jalan..haha)

tapi skarang, i found 3 new hobbies,,
i LOVE these 3..
*bukan kim bum yg aku maksud, tenang teman2..haha*
(my friends -all- get worried about my addiction to kim bum)

1. Writting in my blog..
I keep updating my blog recently, n enjoy that.
Suka aja ngeliat 'visitors' blog yang banyaak, ngebaca komen2 aneh temen2 and know that they all care for me..hiks..thanks guys..
Emangsii kbanyakn isinya ttg my dearest-super-ultra-cute bumbum cay, maklumin aja, kimbum freak gitu looh..haha

2. ONLINE on my mobile (LOVE my EJI)
-pokoknya hmpir 1/2 jam sekali liat notif penting..
*i wonder about my fee this i need BB!??*

-tweeting sambil baca tweeter artis2 hollywood dan dlm negri.
(LIKE to read ryanseacrest, katdeluna, dakotafanning9, johncmeyer, paulaabdul, aplusk, radityadika, sherinamunaf, bclsinclair, mileycyrus tweet. And of course kimsangbum *why u r rarely tweet???*)

-seeing dashboard of my blog.
Whether there's comment or not.
Or just posting sumthing..hehe
I love ! Yeeeiy!

3. keep practising keyboard.
I LOVE it when i play a song, then my father sing it outloud..
Or just sing it by myself while playing..
Bentar lagi mo main lagi ah..*udah beli buku2 baru nih, dan udh lumayan lancar..ada yg mw denger?*
Tapi aku specialis LOVE song mellow ya,,hehe

*posting this while doing such tutorial things and gott frustrated of many things to discuss*

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