Monday, January 6, 2014

H-4 Tips memilih hand bouquet

ucapan terimakasih kepada samsung yang membuat fitur tathering sehingga aku bisa tetep ngenet di laptop walaupun speedy dirumah udah 4hari mati.

gimana caranya pilih handbouquet?

your wedding day is a once in a lifetime experience, everything have to be perfect! terutama you, and your groom. bukan begitu? nah tampilan kamu ga terbatas cuma sampe makeup dan baju, adalagi yang namanya hand bouquet. ga harus sih, tapi kalo emang mau, jangan tanggung lah.
aku udah melakukan riset (baca: bukabuka artikel di google) dan merangkumnya buat semua bridezilla Indonesia.

1. Pastikan gaun pengantin sudah fix
warna gaun pengantin kita akan sangat mempengaruhi warna dan bentuk dari hand bouquet. paling enak sih yang pake white dress,, bunganya mau apa juga masuk. nah aku bajunya fuschia-gold, sampe saat ini aku pusing mau warna apa. buat bentuk, yang pasti pengennya yang simpel aja, simple, classic elegance.

2. Pilih jenis bunga
buat milih jenis bunga, kalo mau yang universal dan sangat lazim buat mengisaratkan cinta, tentu pilihannya cuma the one and only ROSE. tapi kalo mau coba bunga2 lain, bisa cek artinya disini symbolic-wedding-flower-meanings. Bunga yang populer digunakan sebagai hand bouquet pengantin yaitu mawar, lily, anggrek, calla lily dan tulip. Jika ingin menggunakan bunga yang mempunyai aroma kuat, bisa menggunakan bunga kamboja, lili, bakung, dan melati. Yang pasti, pastiin dulu itu bunga ada di palembang.

3. Fresh flower or artificial
Artificial emang bisa bertahan sangat lama, pertanyaannya, emang mau disimpen dimana? buat apa?
aku lebih pilih fresh flower, pertama, ada baunya. kedua, bentuknya jauuuuuuuh lebih cantik karena emang buatan Tuhan yang terbaik. Ketiga, bisa kita nikmatin sebentar selama euphoria wedding day, trus kalo udah layu, ga perlu disimpen lagi.

4. Pilih bentuk buket sesuai bentuk tubuh & dress
ini ada artikel dari sini. ga aku translate ya, mayes. pertama, you need to decide if you want a formal, semiformal or casual bouquet. A good rule of thumb is to match the size of your bouquet to the length of your train or gown. Long-stemmed, formal bouquets go well with fuller, more elaborate gowns, and smaller, more casual bouquets are better coordinated with more informal dresses. Kedua, pilih bentuk tubuh kamu:
The Inverted TriangleThe Lean ColumnThe RectangleThe Apple
The Inverted TriangleThe Lean ColumnThe RectangleThe Apple
The PearThe Neat Hour GlassThe Full Hour Glass
The PearThe Neat Hour GlassThe Full Hour Glass
Nah sekarang pilih buket yang sesuai sama bentuk tubuh kita deh.

Presentation/ Pageant

Neat Hourglass
You can carry off any style and shape of flower bouquet, but keep in mind that it has to be in your scale and complement the line and shape of your chosen wedding dress.

Full Hour glass
Your shape is as well proportioned as the neat hour glass, the only difference is your scale is bigger.
Avoid: Petite Flower bouquets

Triangle/ Or pear
You are fuller around your hips than shoulders.
Avoid: Triangle flower bouquets

Inverted Triangle
Your shoulders are more dominant than your hips.
Avoid: Petite flower or long and straight shapes

Lean Column
Your body shape and scale are petite and straight ‐ almost a boyish figure.
Avoid: Chunky shapes or long and straight lines

You don’t have much of a waist, but you have a straight line between hips and bust.
Avoid: Petite or long and straight lines

Round/ or apple
Your fullest point is around your tummy and waist.
Avoid: Petite or round shapes. Avoid wearing them at your fullest point

Are you tall, slim, or do you have a petite frame? Choose a round bouquet.
Round bouquets are often made of mostly flowers, with less greenery or fillers. Due to the shape and style of this bouquet type, it’s crucial to choose flowers that blend well together, or it will look strange and it can be distracting. If you have wide hips or are curvy, avoid this type of bouquet.

Do you have curves or want to look slimmer? Choose a cascade bouquet.
Cascade bouquets are designed with a majority of the flowers on top, and they cascade downward like a waterfall. They have a very natural look and can work wonders for women who are curvy or who want to look slimmer. They are usually mixed with a fair amount of greenery, which provides a nice contrast with the flowers and your white or ivory gown.

5. How to hold your bouquet
When you are nervous before your wedding and hold your bouquet for the first time, most brides tend to hold their bouquet with two hands and carry it quite high which immediately lifts the shoulders up. This tends not to make a great picture, particularly if you are wearing a strapless dress.
If you can remember, (get your bridesmaid to remind you) hold your bouquet in one hand and below your hip, slightly away from your dress, so that you can see the silhouette of your dress. This will relax and open your shoulders, improving your posture and creating the best pose for your photographer!

6. Keep your bouquet looking fresh into the evening
If you have a hand tied bouquet, you are likely to be able to refresh it at the end of the day by cutting an inch of the stems and popping it into water. Perhaps a job for your mum or friend.

7.Enjoy your beautiful bouquet and remember you don’t have to toss it, you could always preserve it!

Yosh! sedikit dapet gambaran:
- aku mau bunga terserah, kalo bisa ada rose nya.
- warnanya: campuran cream, baby pink, fuschia. (atau disesuaikan sama si florist dengan liat foto baju aku)
- modelnya cascade, karena body type aku itu "pear"
- yang paling penting, sesuai budget

bouquets to suit your body shape

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